[Tutor] cant send email using python keep getting error

Alex Kleider akleider at sonic.net
Sat May 9 12:54:24 EDT 2020

On 2020-05-08 23:08, Michael Crooks wrote:
> raise SMTPAuthenticationError(code, resp)
> smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Username and Password 
> not
> accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.8
> https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials m203sm3339543vka.41 -
> gsmtp')

Did you "allow less secure apps to access your account"?
(It's mentioned in the link you provided above.
It's this 'feature' which caused me to turn to an agent other than 
I've been happy with easydns.com but you'll have to spend some money.)

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