[Tutor] Beginners question

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Tue Mar 31 07:50:35 EDT 2020

Alex Kleider wrote:

>>> while True:
>>>  # get input
>>>  # if input means quit
>>>  break   # break out of the loop
>>>  # proceed with whatever you want to do
>> I am 'breaking rules'* here...
>> The above always looks so untidy to my eye. Could we use the 'walrus
>> operator' instead of while True:?
>> *
>> 1 I haven't loaded v3.8 at home, to be able to test for myself.
>> 2 'walrus' is likely beyond the OP's level of learning
> Agreed, and probably beyond mine as well but I for one would very much
> like to see how it could make this look less 'untidy.'

While I prefer the old-fashioned way here's how to spell the while loop 
without break:

>>> while (word:=input("Enter a word: ")) != "quit":
...     print(f"The word is {word!r}")
Enter a word: hello
The word is 'hello'
Enter a word: world
The word is 'world'
Enter a word: quit

> (Follow up question will be how to install p3.8: Ubuntu 18.4LTS,
> virtualenvwrapper:
> pip install python3.8 ...   ????
> )

Dunno, I've always done the

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make altinstall

dance. This should get you a python3.8 while not interfering with the system 
pythons. You can then proceed to make a virtual environment with

$ python3.8 -m venv whatever

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