[Tutor] Installing IDLE

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Mar 30 10:56:10 EDT 2020

On 3/29/20 8:18 AM, JNB wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I have Python 3.8.2 installed, but it seems to be without IDLE. Would you
> kindly guide me to get IDLE.

Assuming you're using the python.org installer (you can also get the
same Python from the Microsoft Store now, if you prefer that route),
check the setup this way:

click the Windows icon (start menu) in the bottom left corner,
click settings
click Apps
scroll down to Python in the app list, click it to expand the entry, and
click Modify

In the Python Setup window that appears, click Modify
see if the "tcl/tk and IDLE" box is ticked.  If it isn't, tick it and
click Next, then Install, to update your installation.  If it is already
ticked, you already have IDLE, and it's a question of actually finding
it - just go ahead and cancel out of the setup.

If it is installed, in a Windows / Cortana search box, just start typing
idle, it should pop up with a match, and you can launch from there.

As a side note: IDLE comes with Python, but IDLE is not Python. Feel
free to choose any other editor/IDE you want that knows how to edit
Python (if an IDE, it should also give you th option to run in place,
debug, etc,. as IDLE does).

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