[Tutor] Problem with my idle

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Tue Mar 24 10:50:19 EDT 2020

On 3/23/20 4:57 PM, Garismar Ramirez wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a MacBook pro-2017. When I try to save a file on idle, it freezes
> (the idle program everything else on my computer is fine). Why is this and
> how can i resolve this issue?

You'd have to check with the IDLE experts on that.

I see some hints that you're not alone...


that particular issue is claimed to be resolved, but you might do some
more mining.

possible workaround: don't use IDLE.  There are a *ton* of Python
editors/IDEs, a large number of them free.  Many are listed here:


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