[Tutor] Python Beginner Book Advice

DL Neil PyTutor at danceswithmice.info
Thu Mar 19 22:52:26 EDT 2020

On 20/03/20 3:37 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 5:22 AM Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
>> My recommendation for a Python 3 beginner is
>> Mark Sommerville's "Programming in Python 3" from Addison Wesley.
> Did you mean Mark Summerfield?

Yes he did, and in an earlier post I misspelled Wesley Chun's name.

In both cases though, the book is almost ten years old. Whilst I have 
used both (Chun's dates back to v1, and Summerfield's as a two-to-three 
assistance), I would criticise the latter as a new-learner's tool. The 
first chapter is called "Rapid Introduction to Procedural Programming", 
which rather neatly summarises the point. I'm not sure that I would have 
enjoyed it so much, were I completely-new to Python at the time.




Regards =dn

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