[Tutor] Python Beginner Book Advice

Alex Kleider akleider at sonic.net
Tue Mar 17 18:13:28 EDT 2020

On 2020-03-17 07:07, Genius Pete wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a high schooler taking AP CSP and I am about 2 weeks off from 
> school
> due to coronavirus. My teacher has told us that we will start with the
> Create Task when we come back, but I only know JavaScript and HTML. I 
> need
> to learn either Python or Java, and decided to learn about Python. I 
> need
> to study for those two weeks, so can you please recommend a textbook 
> for
> beginners and or a step by step guide that would be helpful. Thank you 
> very
> much, I don’t know whom to contact, but please let me know whom to 
> contact
> if you don’t know the answer to my problem. Also I have been looking 
> around
> Automate the Boring Stuff, Python Crash Course, and Invent your own 
> Games
> with Python. Do you recommend to buy all three of these books for my 
> create
> task, or stick to one or two?

My suggestion would be:

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