[Tutor] Partly Off Topic - Email clients for email discussion lists

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 5 18:59:43 EST 2020

On 05/03/2020 20:10, Torbjörn Svensson Diaz wrote:

> I currently use Thunderbird with a gmail address. Do you know how to 
> configure it, so that all email from a specific list is automatically 
> sorted into a specific folder? 

The T'bird way is:

Go to Tools->Message Filters
Hit New to create a new filter
Give it a meaningful name = Python Mail say...

Ensure "Getting new mail" is checked and
set the drop down to "Filter before junk"

In the filter section select the "From" field and "contains" operation
Set the value to python.org

I the Actions area set the operation to "Copy message to" (
it actually moves it!)
Choose a folder to store your Pyton mail - create one if necessary

OK back out and anything from any python.org address will go to your folder.

Obviously you can refine that further to separate the different
python mails (general, tkinter, idle...) as needed.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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