[Tutor] Subplotting Figure Handles - Python Help

Adam Eyring adameyring at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 10:44:26 EDT 2020

I'm not sure if this would help you, but you may want to check out the
Bokeh package to see if it offers the plotting options you need if you get
stuck on matplotlib. I like the way it does subplots.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 9:25 AM Lakshay Verma <l2verma at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am currently working on a project whereby I collect data from a redshift
> database and do some analysis on it. I have made several functions that all
> generate figures, and output them as figure handles. For example, a
> function will take in query text, run the query in the database, and then
> I'll use pandas to store the data in a dataframe, and matplotlib to graph
> the data and do some statistical analysis on it. The function will then
> return a figure handle ( <Figure size 432x288> ). How do I go about
> subplotting these figures? Because right now, I am not able to subplot them
> and it's really frustrating because when I save the figures to a pdf, I'm
> getting 20+ page pdfs whereas I would like 5 pages whereby I can group
> plots that analyze similar data. I'd be happy to discuss this over a video
> call so you can see the code and get a better idea. Thanks!
> Regards,
> Lakshay Verma
> Chemical Engineering Student
> University of Waterloo
> E: l2verma at edu.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:l2verma at edu.uwaterloo.ca>
> P: (647) 721-8414
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