[Tutor] obspy.imaging.spectrogram

Guro Anne Brækken guroanne at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 04:53:34 EDT 2020

Hi there,

Is there anyone out there who would know how to output the data from the
obspy function spectrogram (and not only an image file)?

1.read in one seismic trace (SEGY format) - OK
2. calculate and plot the spectrogram using obspy.imaging.spectrogram - OK
3. output the image of the spectrogram as a PNG file - OK
4. output the data points in SEGY format - NOT POSSIBLE ??

My code is the following:
st_spec=st.spectrogram(log=True, wlen=0.02, samp_rate=32000, per_lap=0.9,
st_spec.write('st_spec_data', format='SEGY')

I am running the code with Anaconda navigator and python 3.7.6

I hope this was clear. Looking forward to hearing about programmers'
experiences with this issue!

Kind regards,
Guro Anne Braekken

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