[Tutor] Advice Please

John Weller john at johnweller.co.uk
Tue Jun 16 04:04:21 EDT 2020

Many thanks to all who replied - problem solved!!


John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+john=johnweller.co.uk at python.org> On Behalf Of David Rock
Sent: 15 June 2020 21:24
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Advice Please

* John Weller <john at johnweller.co.uk> [2020-06-15 15:21]:
> pass the parameters to the function by reference so as to be able to 
> access the values outside the function however I understand that this 
> is not available in Python.  Can Python return multiple values, 
> (return temperature, humidity)?  If not I could make the variables

yes, it's possible to return multiple values

temp, humidity = read_temp_humidity()

Where the return statement within your function will look like:

return temp, humidity

> global (not recommended but as these values are fundamental to the 
> whole program then perhaps acceptable) or use a compound data 
> structure such as a dictionary or create a class just to hold the 
> data?  My question is – what do you recommend?

Globals or returning a single dictionary would also work.  Generally, I use a dict if there are going to be many element to return, and a tuple if only a few (eg, just temp and humidity as above).

> Can anyone recommend a book that I can use as a reference to perhaps 
> answer some question without having to bother you guys 😊.  I’ve

That's hard to do without more of a solid understanding of your tastes and needs.  There's the Python Books list on python.org https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBooks

There are several good web-based "books" as well "Dive Into Python"
usually bubbles to the top:  https://diveintopython3.net/

I honestly do most of my stuff searching within the online docs.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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