[Tutor] python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 14 19:29:36 EDT 2020

On 14/06/2020 21:49, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:
> there are also 'services', often known as "paper mills" or "term paper 
> writing services", which offer to complete academic works - in exchange 
> for money. 

I can't pretend to begin to understand the rationale for
using such a service.

Does such a student expect to get a job after qualifying? If they
can't even do the near trivial assignments given out in
school/college how do they expect to do a job in the real
world with real problems?

Such a service would never have succeeded in my time at school,
students were in perpetual penury and could never afford to
employ such a thing! Of course that was before "student loans"
became a thing... :-/

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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