[Tutor] “Native C”

Michael Deslippe 1611kjb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 18:16:27 EDT 2020

I’m just guessing here, but “advantage” may be the wrong view. What is it that you call “Native C”? From my view, before any versions came along, “C” was the foundation for Unix and came packaged with virtually and distribution), thus development in C became natural as you merely had to reach out and touch it. As versions of Unix developed, C morphed right along with it. Again, I’m an old guy, but last I knew, the winner came out as Linux and Linux wasn’t given  a native copy of C.

Arduino is founded on rudimentary control and so it leans towards rudimentary answers. Arduino doesn’t actually understand all of C but only a subset of the language as that’s all that is necessary. Creating subsets of different versions simply to extract the subset required by Arduino would be a lot of work with no tangible benefit. Raspberry Pi however, uses the full spectrum of C and, as one would expect, has developed all the flavors of C, C++ and C#. However, if you understand the needs of Arduino, you can write programs from any flavor just so long as you and the compiler don’t touch things Arduino doesn’t understand. As I understand it, Arduino big brother, the 2560 Mega understands more than the Uno and I understand they are working on several renditions surpassing the Mega. So we may see broader acceptance of C variants before too long.


I thought I'd already sent this but it doesn't appear to have arrived...

On 06/06/2020 09:38, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:

> There is a MicroPython which works well on Raspberry Pi SBCs, whereas
> there is a version of C which is native to the Arduino.

Off topic but I'm curious about a native C for Arduino.
The basic development IDE for Arduino comes with a C++ compiler.
What is the "native C" and why would anyone use it given
that C++ is almost a complete superset of C?

What is the advantage?

Alan G
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