[Tutor] Python 3 only: Better to use implicit or explicit "object" in class statements?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 16:37:04 EDT 2020

On Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 12:15:03PM -0600, Mats Wichmann wrote:

>Here's my claim:  listen to pylint, or someday you'll end up having to
>defend why you're doing something pylint complains about.  :)   Tools
>like Pylint and Black are pretty opinionated (although Black is so
>opinionated that you can't override most of its choices, while Pylint is
>almost infintely configurable), and sometimes it's just easier to go
>with the flow.

As you are obviously remembering, I have recently started "playing" with
Black and Pylint.  Black I don't even try to fight while I am using it as, I
probably cannot change its behavior -- the whole point of using it, really.
But Pylint, which has so many possibilities for customization, has
generated a real reluctance on my part to "tweak" it:

     1) I generally don't feel confident that I have enough knowledge and
        background to make the tweaks without either asking on this forum
        first and/or doing online research.
     2) In line with (1) it *has* caught misconceptions on my part even
        though (at the time) I was *certain* that it was a silly complaint.
        See, for instance, my post last night about an unneeded comprehension.
        I had forgotten which data file format I was currently dealing
        with and did not realize I could use dict() directly, something
        that, I am sure, never happens to you pros.  ~(:>))
     3) And it has been quite useful in finding things I had absolutely no
        clue about and needed to look up and learn.
     4) *If* I *do* reach the "full confidence" level to make a tweak then I
        have to give careful consideration as to whether I want to make the tweak
        applicable to all of my projects -- past, present and future -- or
        if I want to make it more narrowly applicable.  This creates a certain
        reluctance when it is usually quicker to just change the code.  A
        good example of this would be something like "with open(filename) as
        f".  There will surely follow a complaint about the single letter
        variable even though I don't think it will cause any future person
     5) So your comment "...and sometimes it's just easier to go with the
        flow" seems to dominate for me.

All in all though I believe Pylint and company are proving (on balance)
helpful to my learning and preventing mistakes.

Wishing you only the best,

boB Stepp

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