[Tutor] Unnecessary comprehension warning

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 22:19:47 EDT 2020

Continuing "Exercise 3.12: Using your library module" in "3.4 Modules" at

I rewrote another function in report.py, read_prices(), to make use of the
parse_csv() function in the fileparse module.  The rewritten function is:

def read_prices(filename: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
     """Read a file of stock prices and load them into a dictionary."""
     prices = fileparse.parse_csv(filename, types=[str, float], has_headers=False)
     stock_prices = {stock_name: stock_price for stock_name, stock_price in prices}
     return stock_prices

pylint complains with:

report.py|25 col 1 warning| unnecessary-comprehension: Unnecessary use of a comprehension

The dictionary comprehension I'm now using replaces a lengthier for loop
with indexing instead of nice names.  Am I truly doing things in a bad
Python style as the linter is complaining?  Should I be doing this

Wishing you only the best,

boB Stepp

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