[Tutor] moving a virtual environment to a new machine

Anil Felipe Duggirala anilduggirala at fastmail.fm
Mon Jul 20 15:14:33 EDT 2020

> virtualenvs can be created with or without symlinks, ones with aren't
> going to be very useful unless the target system is set up the same as
> the originating one. (this varies by command, "virtualenv" takes a
> --always-copy argument, venv takes --copies, etc.).

So this should work to simply copy the virtual environment on the new 
machine right?

I would like to ask what most people do. For example, I am using the 
Pycharm IDE. By default, when you create a new project, it will create a 
venv in the main project folder. My question is, what is the best way to 
just be able to copy the whole project to a new machine in that case?

thank you

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