[Tutor] I have been having difficulty getting cv2 to be recognized...its missing

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jul 17 04:05:31 EDT 2020

On 17/07/2020 00:45, tech nician wrote:
> I have the code setup but cv2 is not in the module directory. also
> understand that opencv-python can be a substitute. I am running 3.7 and
> pycharm. What am I doing wrong?

Since this is not a standard library module you are probably
better asking on the module support forum.
A quick Google search suggests it is a very common issue since
most hits on opencv are for the same problem!

> Here is some screen captures?

The mail server strips out attachments for security reasons.

Other information that might be useful:

1) the OS you are using
2) The Python version and distro if non-standard(eg anaconda)
3) The exact command line used to install opencv

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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