[Tutor] Drawing confidence level ellipses

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Jul 12 22:27:51 EDT 2020

On 13/07/20 9:00 AM, SATYABRATA DATTA wrote:
> A model predicts value of some quantity A and B which need to be fitted to
> the experimental 1-sigma,2-sigma etc.confidence intervals. I have a given
> experimental data file containing the experimental output of A,B and
> delta_chi_square Similar to this
> A. B. Chi_sq
> 0.0001 0.170 5.883053e+02
> 0.0002 0.175 5.818523e+02
> 0.0003 0.180 5.756402e+02
> 0.0004 0.185 5.696054e+02
> 0.0005 0.190 5.638476e+02
> 0.0006 0.195 5.584292e+02
> 0.0007 0.200 5.532851e+02
> 0.0008 0.205 5.484670e+02
> 0.0009 0.210 5.439196e+02
> 0.0010 0.215 5.396868e+02
> 0.0011 0.220 5.342531e+02
> 0.0012 0.225 5.259659e+02
> How to plot the confidence regions on the same modelled data plot by
> matplotlib.

What are you asking?
- the statistics
- the Python

What have you tried thus far? Are you wanting someone to write the code 
for you?

DuckDuckGo responded to a search with multiple examples - whether their 
constraints suit your's is another matter though...
Regards =dn

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