[Tutor] New to Linux, trying to install python 3 - please help :)

alexkleider alexkleider at protonmail.com
Sat Jul 11 12:21:15 EDT 2020

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, July 11, 2020 2:35 AM, Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au> wrote:

> On 09Jul2020 20:19, mdrotts mdrotts at yahoo.com wrote:
> > Thanks everyone! Assistance is greatly appreciated!D. 
> > On Thursday, July 9, 2020, 01:43:38 PM EDT, alexkleider via Tutor tutor at python.org wrote:
> > On my Debian 10 system 'apt install python3' would bring in python3.7. (Unnecessary since it's already there by default.)
> > I believe the goal is to bring in python3.8 and if so is there any
> > option other than to build locally?
> My Ubuntu system has a "python3.8" package. What does:
> apt-cache search python | grep 3.8
> get you? You may find that the default "python3" will remain 3.7 until
> you update to the next release, but that does not prevent you installing
> 3.8 as well.

It seems Ubuntu provides it but not from the Debian upstream repo- on my Debian10 system:
alex at X1:~$ apt-cache search python | grep '3.8'
python-m3u8 - Python m3u8 parser - Python 2.x
python3-m3u8 - Python m3u8 parser - Python 3.x
python-rfc3986 - validating URI references per RFC 3986 - Python 2.x
python3-rfc3986 - validating URI references per RFC 3986 - Python 3.x
python-uritools - RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse (Python 2)
python3-uritools - RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse (Python 3)

I built (3.8) from source (using instructions found on the web) and it went smoothly enough.

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