[Tutor] Fwd: Re: Beginner Noob

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Jul 5 19:46:39 EDT 2020

On 6/07/20 11:36 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 05/07/2020 21:12, dn via Tutor wrote:
>>> Which version is that? The regular Arduino develoment tool
>>> comes with C++ as standard,
>> <<<
>> It seems like you’re programming in C/C++, but soon you realize that
>> it’s not exactly C/C++. You don’t really know what you can do, and what
>> you can’t do.
> Hmm, Thanks for the quotation/citation.
> I must confess I've been sporadically progranming Arduino
> boards for about 7 years now and not once realized it was
> not C++. Everything I've done has assumed a C++98 base and
> it has just worked...(In fact the Arduino is about the only
> time I use C/C++ nowadays)
>> Apologies if you were hoping for a pointer to a C or C++ compiler that
>> runs natively on the Arduino! (such may/not exist, I have not looked)
> I was intrigued if such existed since the only thing I was aware of
> was the vanilla Arduino IDE tool set. And so far as I was aware
> (based on a fairly cheap beginners guidebook) that was a
> substantial subset of C++.( A few libraries don't exist and
> a couple of non-standard Arduino specific ones are provided but the
> actual language syntax is pretty complete C++98 - and maybe even
> C++11)
>> ...whatever the provenance of its language, are *not* Python.
> That's for sure! :-)

Which is the reason why I was heading to Raspberry Pi - less to 
cope-with in the change from a PC to an SBC. However, first my supplier 
let me down, then there were questions about 'power', ...
(blessing in disguise? today there are larger/more powerful versions)

So, I ended-up shifting 'sideways' and picking-up a GPU/co-processor, 
with the intent of embracing CUDA.

However, fate intervened (or something), and the hardware sits, lonely 
as a cloud (hah!), in my workshop; whilst I work on 'other things', and 
then along came COVID-19 and the rush to do-stuff-differently...

"Free time". What's that?
(heavy) Sigh!
Regards =dn

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