[Tutor] could someone please explain multiprocessing

nathan tech nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 2 19:20:05 EDT 2020

Hi tutor List,

I hope everyone is keeping safe and doing well.

I was wondering if someone was able to explain the multiprocessing 
module to me.

I'm trying to get it to where my program would be able to do something like:

Hi parent, are you running?

Yes I am.

Great, here is a file for you.

Thanks child, you can close now and not launch a second instance.

okay, goodnight!

So far the way I've done this is through the socket module by having the 
first program listen on localhost, but this on some systems raises a 
windows security error. This obviously makes it rather suspicious!

I'm wondering how windows media player goes about it?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


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