[Tutor] How to use a Variable in an input statement

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Jul 1 10:13:08 EDT 2020

On 7/1/20 7:37 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 01/07/2020 13:42, YAW ANTWI-ADJEI wrote:
>> Thus, I want something like:
>> *StudentName* = 'Yaw'
>> Age = input(*StudentName*, 'how old are you?')
> There are several ways to do this, but string formatting is
> probably best:
> age = input("{} how old are you? ".format(Studentname))
> OR
> age = input("%s how old are you? " % StudentName)
> Or even, in recent pythons(post 3.6):
> age = input(f"{StudentName} how old are you? ")
> The last one is preferred if you don't have to support older versions.

To expand:

input takes a single string argument, so build the string as you wish.
You can do it inline, as above, or separately, like:

age_prompt = f"{StudentName}: how old are you? "
age = input(age_prompt)

Also reminder: input returns a string.  Don't treat the return as
anything else (e.g. an integer) until you've converted it - and
normally, you also want to "validate" the contents of any external data
source before using it or you risk surprises (at best) or serious Bad
Things (at worst).

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