[Tutor] Remove some known text around text I need to keep

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Wed Jan 29 19:35:12 EST 2020

On 30/01/20 12:30 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 29/01/2020 22:05, DL Neil via Tutor wrote:
>>>>> [SINTOMO: paziente sintomatica per dispnea moderata]
>>>>> [SEGNO: Non edemi]
>>>>> [SEGNO: calo di 2 kg (55,8 kg)]
>>>>> [TERAPIA: ha ridotto la terapia diuretica]
>>>>> the same lines as above what I need to write back in the new “clean”
>>>> files are like the following:
>>>>> paziente sintomatica per dispnea moderata]
>>>>> Non edemi]
>>>>> calo di 2 kg (55,8 kg)]
>>>>> ha ridotto la terapia diuretica]
>> Some call it "pedantry", others "attention to detail" but don't forget
>> the closing square-bracket!
> Although, looking at the OPs original post, he retained the closing
> bracket...
> But I think he did intend to remove them...
> So either a slice, or better, rstrip('] ') will deal with those.

Hah! You're correct - I read the word "tags". Further, the idea of using 
RegEx seemed to support the idea of finding "contents" rather than 
trimming a prefix...

In Italian, do parentheses, brackets, braces, etc, not come in pairs?
Regards =dn

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