[Tutor] OT - gmane

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 16 15:23:44 EST 2020

On 16/01/2020 19:20, Jim wrote:
> Is anyone else having trouble connecting to gmane?
> I know that tutor is pretty sporadic on it but until today I have been 
> able to connect and read other groups.

Tutor has not worked on gmane since the great unsubscription
event a few months ago.

Gmane works by subscribing to the list and getting a feed.
It was unsubscribed along with everyone else. But gmane
is not maintained so nobody is there to resubscribe...

I note that gmane has a new home. It might now be possible
to get somebody to reinstate the tutor link. I'll see if
I can find someone to do so...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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