[Tutor] big props for Python Projects Wrox 2015

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Mon Feb 24 23:11:56 EST 2020

On 25/02/20 1:03 PM, Cranky Frankie wrote:
> Hi I just wanted to say I'm only now getting to "Python Projects" from Wrox
> in 2015 and I understand Anal Gauld who co-wrote it is moderating this
> list. For anyone on here who has not seen or heard of this book, let me say
> it is 100% awesome. The GUI content alone is worth the price, and that's
> only one chapter. They cover everything -databases, web frameworks, and
> much more. I especially like the instructions on how to organize modules to
> make one program. That's something I struggle with on larger programs.
> Anyway, just wanted to say both this book and this list rock! Thanks Alan
> very, very much for your hard work for the Python community.


Is (s)he saying that your book gets to the bottom of things?

Regards =dn

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