[Tutor] Printing Bold Text

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Sat Feb 1 05:24:54 EST 2020

Adam Slowley wrote:

> So I’m a beginner, learning Python for the first time so this might be a
> dumb question but here goes. I’m trying to print a text in bold. For
> example:
> def main():
>     name=input("Enter your name:")
>     print("You entered for name a value of",name)
> I want whatever the user inputs as his/her name to be printed in Bold

It will only work with terminals that understand ANSI escape codes, but if 
you can live with that limitiation you can install termcolor:



(1) installation with pip:

$ pip install termcolor
Successfully installed termcolor
Cleaning up...

$ python
>>> import termcolor
>>> termcolor.cprint("all bold", attrs=["bold"])
all bold
>>> print("this is", termcolor.colored("red", color="red"))
this is red

Though it's hard ;) to see in a text-only mail "all bold" is printed bold 
and the word "red" is shown in the color red.

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