[Tutor] Pygame environment

Cravan savageapple850 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 19:42:20 EDT 2020

Hi DL Neil,
	In reinforcement learning, the "environment" is typically a set of states the "agent" is attempting to influence via its choice of actions, and the agent is the executer of certain actions which bring about certain rewards/punishments. I'm not sure if the import module will be sufficient to send over these states (partly because I have been reading up on openai Gym documentation which also sets the environment first)

On 27/4/20, 7:35 AM, "Tutor on behalf of DL Neil via Tutor" <tutor-bounces+savageapple850=gmail.com at python.org on behalf of tutor at python.org> wrote:

    On 26/04/20 9:42 PM, Cravan wrote:
    > Hi could I ask if I want to implement an ai in my code how should I pass on my current environment to it? Would import (e.g. import * from blah.py) be sufficient? Or do I have to type env = python.learning.environment in order to do so?
    Probably insufficient information to offer advice. What do you mean by 
    "current environment"? System, application, command-line configurations, 
    Python's way of 'combining' modules is import. The usual pattern is to 
    have a 'main' program which "calls" functions and uses classes that have 
    been import-ed from other modules.
    Regards =dn
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