[Tutor] Beginners question

DL Neil PyTutor at danceswithmice.info
Sat Apr 4 23:05:57 EDT 2020

On 5/04/20 1:53 PM, Alex Kleider wrote:
> I've been surprised not to have seen, in this thread, any mention made 
> of the following use pattern:
> print("{first} {last}, {address}, {city}, {province}, {code}, 
> {country}".format(**record))
> Is this possible with any of the other (is it three) formatting methods?
> It's a pattern I've come to appreciate very very much.


Possibly not as popular as deserved because it tastes of commercial 
application, and thus falls outside the ambit of scientists, data 
scientists, ML/AI engineers, liars, damned liars, statisticians...

I dislike using relative positioning for anything (it slows 
reading/comprehension) - which condemns older string-formatting methods 
(in my eyes).

If the mix of data-values and string-constants reaches a certain point, 
instead of throwing the usual tuple of data at print(), I find f-strings 
coming into play.

Contrarily, when working with classes/objects I rapidly grew sick of 
writing self. or instanceNM. in front of every attribute to be printed!

That in-turn became a recommendation for classes to include an as_dict() 
method (or two), eg

class Person():
	def __init__( self, first, last, ...):
	def address_as_dict( self ):
		return ...

then the above print() becomes:

print( "{first} {last}, {address}, {city}, {province}, {code},
		{country}".format( instance.address_as_dict ) )

(even easier if that combination of fields is already a data-structure 
within the class)
Regards =dn

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