[Tutor] Help on Python

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Tue Oct 15 07:34:41 EDT 2019

Am 15.10.2019 um 02:07 schrieb Tyson Barber:
> Hello Tutor,
> I am new to Python and had a question.
> incomevar = (input("Please enter the income: ")
>              income = int(incomevar)
> costvar = int(input("Please enter the cost: ")
>              cost = int(costvar)
>                  if income >= cost :
>                    print (income - cost == profit)
>                else income < cost :
>                    print (cost - income == loss)
> I have tried many things for this to work, including changing the variable
> names, spacing issues. Nothing seems to work and I am quite confused. I
> honestly don't even know if this is the right email address to send this to.
It is.

In addition to the advice you already got: the line

else income < cost :

is syntactically wrong. It would be correct to write

elif income < cost:

but the elif isn't necessary. Income and cost are numbers, so either
income >= cost or income < cost. No third possibility. So you can and
should simply write

if income >= cost:
     # ...
     # ...

Your print statements won't run either, because the variables profit and
loss aren't defined.

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