[Tutor] print issue

ose micah osaosemwe at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 2 11:30:35 EDT 2019

Thank you for the suggestion. I hope the format below is OK?
Please have a look at this issue, I need solving. 

>From the opened file "output.txt" that contains subnets each of which I need in creating a rule, I wrote a program that read each line from this file and make use of each subnet to append a yaml formatted line in the samplefile.txt. 
Here is my desired output in the "samplefile.txt":

                - [100, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [200, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [300, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [400, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [500, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [600, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [700, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [800, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]

I pick each subnets from "output.txt" is:

Here is my current line of code which need modification:

  f = open("output.txt").read().count('\n')  # file that contains subnets
  sys.stdout=open('samplefile.txt','a') .    #where I want the configured subnets dumped
  with open('output.txt', 'r') as reader:  
    for line in reader.readlines():
        with open ('samplefile.txt', 'a') as p:
            # allow ip to play port 500
            print("           - [100, 'tcp', 'allow', ", line, ", null, null, 500, 500]")
           # allow ip to sing port 800
            print("           - [200, 'tcp', 'allow', ", line, " , null, null, 800, 800]")

Here is my current output in the "samplefile.txt"- Which is undesired
   ("           - [100, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ', null, null, 500, 500]')   ("           - [200, 'tcp', 'sing', ", '\n', ', null, null, 800, 800]')   ("           - [100, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ' , null, null, 500, 500]')   ("           - [200, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ', null, null, 800, 800]')   ("           - [100, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ' , null, null, 500, 500]')   ("           - [200, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ', null, null, 800, 800]')   ("           - [100, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ' , null, null, 500, 500]')   ("           - [200, 'tcp', 'allow', ", '\n', ', null, null, 800, 800]')

Please how can I change my code to get my desired output as:                            - [100, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [200, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [300, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [400, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [500, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [600, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]
                - [700, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 500, 500]
                - [800, 'sing', 'play',,  null, null, 800, 800]


On Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 12:50:32 PM EDT, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote: 

> Thank you for the suggestion. I think its best I attach the code

The Python Tutor mailing list, in common with most technical lists,
is a text only service. As such non text attachments are usually stripped
out by the server for security reasons. You are best either posting code
inline within the message (if less than, say 100 lines) or on a pastebin
and sending a link.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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