[Tutor] tutoring

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Tue Nov 26 18:34:14 EST 2019

On 27/11/19 7:57 AM, Angel Abad wrote:
> hello, i was wondering if i could get help with my homework?
> this is the examples that was given in class that i don't seem to
> understand how to do.
> ###TODO 1: Convert this to a function that takes a string as ###input
> ### (i.e., the string to print, "Welcome..." in this example)
> ### and prints the string with the border.  The function should
> ### not return anything.  (Optional: take the border character to print
> ### and the # of characters, e.g., = and 50 in this example)
> print("=" * 50)
> print("Welcome to the GeoCalc program!")
> print("=" * 50)
> ### END TODO 1

People here are happy to help - emphasis on the last word!

Why don't we start with the first assignment? What you learn from that 
will probably help you with the others...

What code have you written? (include it in your reply)
If there are error messages, copy-paste them into your reply
(do not use email-attachments, put it 'all' in 'here')

What does the code do successfully?
What does it not do (that it should)?

If you are unable to formulate code at this stage, then study the Python 
documentation (also downloadable). 'Step 1' is likely to search for 
"input" (per the question-text).

We look forward to helping you along your Python journey!

WebRef: https://docs.python.org/3/ (adjust for the version you use)--
Regards =dn

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