[Tutor] execute search request on website

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Nov 6 08:49:27 EST 2019

On 11/6/19 3:29 AM, Pavel Yermolenko wrote:
> Hello,
> Is someone aware of the procedure for running a search request on a 
> website, for example to search Amazon for a book using its ISBN?

In a limited way - there is an API here which you can look at, which as 
I recall, says nothing about Python specifically.


In general, it's up to each website whether or not they provide an API 
to access their materials, and under what terms you can do so. Amazon 
wants to sell things, so they do but some of the search engines, for 
example, are not allowed to (or don't wish to, if they have the rights) 
present their results in a way that does not include their presentation 
and branding.  So something that seems simple may not be (and this is 
why many people go down the route of web scraping, which may or may not 
legally circumvent those same restrictions of who owns what and how it 
may be presented).

Maybe others have examples?

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