[Tutor] Variable change within library depending on user input.

Harry Oneill harry_oneill_52 at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Mar 3 18:01:33 EST 2019

Hey there everybody hope your doing great.

I was here a few months ago and got pointed in the right direction very kindly by one of the tutors. Im a little stuck again now and have been researching for a while and can't come up with a solution to my problem.

The below program is designed to take two user inputs, item purchase location and sale location and then to compare some dictionaries of those locations and calculate the most profitable item to buy.

Initially i designed this to work with just two locations and am now struggling to add a third.

#### Author : Harry O'Neill
#### Program : Find most profitable sale between two trade hubs within the star citizen game client.

#### Waste has been remove as it's literally garbage anyway.

#### taking user information
user_purchase_location = input("Were are you planning to buy your goods?").lower()
user_sale_destination = input("Where are you planning to sell your goods?").lower()

#### dicts of items available to buy and sell at locations along with UEC price.
buying_olisar = {'Medical Supply': 17.01,}
selling_olisar = {'Agricium': 25.60, 'Aluminum': 1.25, 'Beryl': 4.26, 'Chlorine': 1.57, 'Corundum': 2.53, 'Diamond': 6.90, 'Distilled Spirits': 4.95, 'Fluorine': 2.80, 'Gold': 6.07, 'Hydrogen': 1.02, 'Iodine': 0.41, 'Laranite': 28.91, 'Processed Food': 1.39, 'Quartz': 1.44, 'Scrap': 1.67, 'Stims': 3.40, 'Titanium': 8.27, 'Tungsten': 3.90,}
buying_levski = {'Agricultural Supply': 1.11, 'Aluminum': 1.20, 'Hydrogen': 0.98, 'Iodine': 0.38, 'Quartz': 1.37,}
selling_levski = {'Agricium': 25.60, 'Altruciatoxine': 11.63, 'Beryl': 4.25, 'Chlorine': 1.56, 'Corundum': 2.53, 'Diamond': 6.07, 'Distilled Spirits': 4.95, 'Fluorine': 2.80, 'Gold': 6.07, 'Laranite': 28.25, 'Medical Supply': 18.00, 'Processed Food': 1.38, 'Scrap': 1.68, 'Stims': 3.40, 'Titanium': 8.27, 'Tungsten': 3.90, 'Widdow': 24.00,}
buying_arc_corp_mining_area_157 = {'Chlorine': 1.44, 'Flurine': 2.63, 'Hydrogen': 0.97, 'Iodine': 0.34}
selling_arc_corp_mining_area_157 = {'Altruciatoxine': 11.80, 'distilled spirits': 4.95, 'medical suppies': 18.05, 'processed food': 1.36, 'stims': 3.40, 'Widdow': 24.0}

#### Sorting the dict into ascending value instead of alphabetical
sort_buying_olisar = sorted(buying_olisar, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
sort_selling_olisar = sorted(selling_olisar, key=lambda tup:(tup[1], tup[0]))
sort_buying_levski = sorted(buying_levski, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
sort_selling_levski = sorted(selling_levski, key=lambda tup:(tup[1], tup[0]))
sort_buying_arc_corp_mining_area_157 = sorted(buying_arc_corp_mining_area_157, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
sort_selling_arc_corp_mining_area_157 = sorted(selling_arc_corp_mining_area_157, key=lambda tup:(tup[1], tup[0]))

#### picking two dicts (buy/sell) and filtering them to print only common elements.
def common(curr, other):
    return set(curr.keys()).intersection(set(other.keys()))
tradable_items = common(buying_levski, selling_olisar)

#### calculating the prices between possible sales.
prices = {k: selling_olisar[k] - buying_levski[k] for k in tradable_items}

#### finding the most profitable material
import operator
most_profitable_resourse = max(prices.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

profit_ammount = prices
profit_sorted = (f'{profit_ammount[most_profitable_resourse]:.2f}')
print("The most profitable item to buy at " + user_purchase_location + " is " + most_profitable_resourse + " and will make a net profit of " + profit_sorted + " per unit when sold at " + user_sale_destination + ".")

The two areas i am struggling to alter to allow this to work with more than two locations are below

tradable_items = common(buying_levski, selling_olisar)


prices = {k: selling_olisar[k] - buying_levski[k] for k in tradable_items}

i need to have the variables to alter based on the user input where as currently they are fixed as buying/selling levski/olisar.

I have tried to create a second variable as follows:

user_purchase_location_1 = 'buying_'+user_purchase_location+''
user_sale_destination_1 = 'selling_'+user_sale_destination+''

these produce the correct information that could be used in the above two lines however when altered like this:

def common(curr, other):
    return set(curr.keys()).intersection(set(other.keys()))
tradable_items = common(user_purchase_location_1, user_sale_destination_1)

#### calculating the prices between possible sales.
prices = {k: user_sale_destination_1[k] - user_purchase_location_1[k] for k in tradable_items}

However they produce this error that i am unsure how to resolve.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/floppypoppy/PycharmProjects/Star Citizen Trading Program/Star Citizen trading NEW.py", line 33, in <module>
    tradable_items = common(user_purchase_location_1, user_sale_destination_1)
  File "/home/floppypoppy/PycharmProjects/Star Citizen Trading Program/Star Citizen trading NEW.py", line 32, in common
    return set(curr.keys()).intersection(set(other.keys()))
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'keys'

I hope i have offered enough information here if any more is required please ask,

Thank you for any guidance with this.

kindest regards,

Harry O'Neill

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