[Tutor] Fwd: Re: would someone please explain this concept to me

nathan tech nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 5 15:47:46 EDT 2019

hi there,

Thanks for that, I never thought of those options, though now you 
mention them, I'm going, duh!

I also, defined in globals, have a variable called checklimit.

EG: g.checklimit.

Am I ok to assign that to values?

so for example if I do:


And later did g.checklimit=7000

Would it change feeds[feed1]["limit"] too?



On 05/06/2019 19:45, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>> That is why I was going to use g.blank-feed as the template,
>> assign that to d["feed 1's link"] then just update the feed part.
> The simplest way is just to assign a new blank dictionary. Don;t assign
> the same dictionary to each feed. (Incidentally your description above
> is much clearer than the one you initially posted!)
> feeds[link] = {key1:value1, key2:value2}
> If you need to pre-populate the dictionary with many values when
> you assign it (or need to compute  the values) I'd recommend
> writing a small function that creates a new dictionary,
> and adds the values then returns the dictionary.
> Or maybe, better still, use a class and populate the feeds
> dictionary with instances of the class.
> class Feed:
>     def __init__(self, val1=default1, val2=default2, val3=default3):
>         self.key1 = val1
>         self.key2 = val2
>         self.key3 = val3
> feeds[link1] = Feed(v1,v2,v3)
> feeds[link2] = Feed()   # use default values
> After all that's exactly what a class is - a template for an object.
> What you definitely don't want to do is what you have been
> doing and assigning the same single dictionary object to each
> link entry.

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