[Tutor] Running Python 3 on Linux Mint

Kai Bojens kb at kbojens.de
Tue Jan 15 08:25:35 EST 2019

On 14/01/2019 –– 16:56:23PM -0700, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> Given the impending end of support for Python 2 - officially less than a
> year now - distros have been surprisingly slow in switching to Python 3
> being the default (meaning instead of having to specially ask for
> python3, you would have to specially ask for python2). 

As I learned today:

"If the python command is installed, it should invoke the same version of Python
 as the python2 command" (PEP 394)
-> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/
-> https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/11/27/what-no-python-in-rhel-8-beta/

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