[Tutor] Putting a Bow on It

Chip Wachob wachobc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 13:18:43 EST 2019


I've been off working on other projects, but I'm finally back to the
project that so many here have helped me work through.  Thank you to the
group at large.

So, this leads me to my question for today.

I'm not sure what the "correct" term is for this, but I want to create what
I'll call a Package.

I want to bundle all my scripts, extra libraries, etc into one file.  If I
can include a copy of Python with it that would be even better.

I'm looking for the simplest approach for the user to install.  Eg:
libraries will install themselves in the correct directories, etc, so that
there is minimal pain on the part of the user.

I would need to do this for both Windows and Linux so something that is
platform agnostic would be great.

Precise Questions:

A) What sort of term is the proper term for this process that I want to do?
B) Good link suggestions where I can go read / learn about it?
C) Can I just include the .pyc files and the main .py file in the
'release'?  I'm thinking about protecting accidental editing of the .py
files leading to malfunctions.
D) Any other tips or pointers that you would offer as part of attempting
this process?

Again, thank you for all the assistance along the way.


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