[Tutor] help

Sonia Miglani sonia.miglani33 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 07:32:34 EST 2019

Hi Team,

I am learning puthon and trying the following code.

But getting the following error.

Please help me in knowing the code in better way.

OS Linux
Python version 2.7.13

def  demo(s, exclaim):
#    """
 #   Returns the string 's' repeated 3 times.
  #  If exclaim is true, add exclamation marks.

    result = s + s + s
    if exclaim:
        result = result + '!!!'
    return result

def main():
    print demo('Yay', False)      ## YayYayYay
    print demo('Woo Hoo', True)   ## Woo HooWoo HooWoo Hoo!!!

./python2.py: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./python2.py: line 1: `def  demo(s,exclaim):


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