[Tutor] vlc media player in python

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Mon Dec 30 18:16:52 EST 2019

On 24Dec2019 22:00, Aleksa <mi8k0mi at gmail.com> wrote:
>Please, how to set vlc media player to work in Python.I know it has a
>python-vlc module ,But to have all the settings in python not just
>calling to the path for vlc

I presume you mean this:


That requires the VLC programme to be already installed on your 
computer. Is it?

>playlist = ['/path/to/song1.flac', '/path/to/song2.flac', 'path/to/song3.flac']
>for song in playlist:
>    player = vlc.MediaPlayer(song)
>	player.play()

You will need an import statement at the top of you code:

    import vlc

in order to obtain the "vlc" name.

If that is still failing, please reply including the output of a failing 
run (paste the output inline in your reply message, do not attach an 
image or anything like that).

Also note that the paths in your code '/path/to/song1.flac' etc are 
obviously examples from somewhere; they will need to be real pathnames 
of real files.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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