[Tutor] Pymongo | Python 3.7 | MongoDb Community : write scrape results to db

Kelvin Zimmerman zimmerman.k at icloud.com
Fri Dec 13 13:43:20 EST 2019


Let me start by saying I am very new to both python and mongo.  I am just and hobbyist so my issue maybe basic to most but never less, I am thankful for any help, guidance, as I am stuck!

Objective:  Im using to run a craigslist jobs search for multi-locations and then attempt to both print the results to the screen and into the db.  I am able to connect to the db without issue, I think my issue is in creating the dict .bson ?? piece to this puzzle.

Please see below:
from craigslist import CraigslistJobs
# database
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from unicodedata import name
from _datetime import datetime
from scrapy.utils import url
    client = MongoClient()
    print("Connected Successfully!")
    print("Could Not Connect !")
# dbase client
client = MongoClient()
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
# dbase
db = client['craigslistResults']
# write to database
mydict = {'name': name.get_text(),
          'url': url.get_text(),
          'datetime': datetime.get_text(),
          'price': price.get_text()

x = db.craigslistResultsFreelance.insert_many(mydict)

abilene = CraigslistJobs(site='abilene', category='jjj',
                         filters={'is_telecommuting': True})
for abileneResult in abilene.get_results():

sfbay = CraigslistJobs(site='sfbay', category='jjj',
                       filters={'is_telecommuting': True})
for sfbayResult in sfbay.get_results():

newyork = CraigslistJobs(site='newyork', category='jjj',
                         filters={'is_telecommuting': True})
for newyorkResult in newyork.get_results():

Any insight is greatly appreciated!

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