[Tutor] Fwd: Mailing list chaos.

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Aug 23 20:22:26 EDT 2019

On 24/08/19 12:02 PM, David Rock wrote:
>> On Aug 23, 2019, at 17:40, David L Neil <PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info> wrote:
>> Why though (in this context), if these days "social media" is such a corner-stone of young people's lives?
> Because “social media” is often a poor platform for getting the type of assistance found here.  You aren’t going to get a discussion of any substance related to topics like python on Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter (FB isn’t mentioned because none of the kids use it).  Most social platforms used by teenagers are about sharing snippets of your life, not code discussion.

You're educating me: I thought (in addition) that they were asking each 
other 'how did you tackle the xyz homework problem?' or even working 
more collaboratively (individual learning being a function of education 
in 'my day' but no longer in this ?brave new world).

> There’s also something to be said for making someone aware of a medium they may not even know exists (mailing lists).  It’s as much about broadening their view as it is about anything else.  If there’s a list for python, maybe there’s a list for something else of interest.  The internet is a lot bigger than the “hot platform of the day.”


> Frankly, most of the kids in the class won’t care, but some might.  If even one gets benefit from posting here, we’ve done our good deed for the day.  Nine years ago, I talked to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about arduinos. I brought in a little project that made chasing LED patterns and was controllable from a webpage as well as by physical pushbutton.  I know most kids thought it was fun, but I also know that at least a couple kids talked about it and expanded their knowledge well into high school.  Would they have found that interest without me opening that door for them? maybe; but maybe not, too.  It’s a failing on our part to assume someone will find something on their own.  It doesn’t hurt to add to someone’s perspective.

Agreed - a computer (or more likely, an "accounting machine") donated to 
our high school, that the staff had neither the time, nor supposedly, 
the ability, to 'get working'; was exactly such a 
challenge/interest/nascent career for me!

Yes, you are correct, the older media, eg email, discussions lists, etc; 
are unknown to most youngsters. So, agree with the resourcing ideal too.

However, just as there are social mores on 'social media' there is a 
form of expected/acceptable behavior on Discussion Lists. That is worth 
discussing, because like any other avenue, expectations should be 
'managed' to avoid any form of de-motivating 'blow-back'. (to say 
nothing of the courtesy of asking someone to give-up his/her free-time 
to assist).

NB I can't say I've ever done this 'live' with a group of trainees. 
However, we do have such included on the 'Admin pages' for our on-line 
courses and their 'boards' - sadly, evidence suggests that trainees 
don't read these pages/take it in. So...!

Disclaimer: such courses are not in "Python".
Regards =dn

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