[Tutor] Create Logging module

Sinardy Xing sinardyxing at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 09:35:02 EDT 2019

Hi Steven,

Thanks for your reply, I was copy and paste the code in the email as a text.
I dont know why it becoming photo or screen shot when you view it ?

When I run the module individually it is no error only when I use as
decorator I have error.

$ cat mainapp.py

from loggingme import logme

def say_hello(name, age):

        print('Hello {}, I am {}'.format(name, age))


say_hello('Tonny', 8)

$ python3 mainapp.py

  File "mainapp.py", line 8

    say_hello('Tonny', 8)


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 8:42 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 05:11:04PM +0800, Sinardy Xing wrote:
> > I have error look like in the wrapper.
> >
> > Can someone point to me where is the issue
> No, but you can.
> When the error occurs, Python will print a traceback containing a list
> of the lines of code being executed, and the final error. You should
> read that error, especially the last line, and it will tell you the line
> of code that failed and give you a clue why it failed.
> We can help you if you copy and paste the full traceback, starting with
> the line "Traceback..." to the end.
> Don't take a screen shot or photo and send that, instead copy and paste
> the text into your email.
> (P.S. please reply to the mailing list, not to me personally.)
> --
> Steven
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