[Tutor] Help with building bytearray arrays

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Mon Sep 10 13:42:00 EDT 2018

Chip Wachob wrote:

> Cameron,
> Thank you again for the insight.
> Yes, data_out is an equivalently-sized 'chunk' of a larger array.
> I'm 'getting' this now..
> So, without all the fluff associated with wiggling lines, my function
> now looks like this:
> def RSI_size_the_loop():
>    results = []
>    all_together = []   # not certain if I need this, put it in in an
> attempt to fix the incompatibility if it existed
>    for x in range (0, MAX_LOOP_COUNT, slice_size):
>       results.append(my_transfer(disp, data_out, slice_size)
>       print " results ", x, " = ", results  # show how results grows
> on each iteration
>    all_together = bytearray().join(results)
>    print " all together ", all_together
> I can observe results increasing in size and the last time through the
> loop:
>  results  48  =

Note that there are two '[' at the start of the list. This means that the 
first list item is another list. In fact you seem to have a list of single 
item lists like

[["foo"], ["bar"], ...]

when you need

["foo", "bar", ...]

Of course join will fail with that:

>>> "".join(["foo", "bar"])
>>> "".join([["foo"], ["bar"]])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, list found

I think the error message is pretty clear ;)

Have a look into your my_transfer() function to find out why it returns a 
list (or show us the code).

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