[Tutor] A required question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 23 10:35:28 EST 2018

On 23/11/2018 05:34, Avi Gross wrote:
> Just to be different, and perhaps return to the purpose of this group,

Actually I think the higher level debate of Python's direction as
a teaching language is entirely appropriate for this group. It kind
of defines the group and and its current and future role.


> What I was thinking was the ability to do something like this:
> import ReChoir as require
> require.version(condition, before=True, after=False)
> require.modules(module list, recursive=True)
> require.os([“Eunuchs”, “Windblows”])
> require.functionality(“print3”)

I can see the logic but suspect discussion of new features is
probably the preserve of the main Python list. If you can get
traction there somebody might actually go ahead and write one!

On the tutor list such matters are usually adequately covered
by virtual environments etc.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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