[Tutor] (no subject)

Avi Gross avigross at verizon.net
Sun Nov 11 18:35:08 EST 2018

In replying to what "Stealth Fleet" asked, I have too many comments,
starting with a suggestion to put a SUBECT on the Subject: line.

Your first error was not converting the text input to an integer or floating
point number.

	tokenAmount = input( "How many tokens would you like to buy or cash
in?:  ")

Fix that and then see if other things fail.

BTW, you created functions which take no arguments and use a global variable
but then create local variables that would not persist in a real
application. If your assignment was just to print what would have been
calculated, that may suffice but that may be another area you think more

-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+avigross=verizon.net at python.org> On Behalf Of
Stealth Fleet
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 6:00 PM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)

tokenAmount = input( "How many tokens would you like to buy or cash in?:  ")

print (tokenAmount)

def buy ():

    if tokenAmount <= 400:

        buy = tokenAmount * .2099

        print( " You would like to spend $"+(buy) + "on" + (tokenAmount) +

    elif tokenAmount > "400" <= "549":

        buy = tokenAmount * .3999

        print( " You would like to spend $"+(buy) + "on" + (tokenAmount) +

    elif tokenAmount >= "550" <= "749":

        buy = tokenAmount * .4999

        print( " You would like to spend $"+(buy) + "on" + (tokenAmount) +

    elif tokenAmount >= "750" <= "999":

        buy = tokenAmount * .6299

        print( " You would like to spend $"+(buy) + "on" + (tokenAmount) +


        buy = tokenAmount * .7999

        print( " You would like to spend $"+(buy) + "on" + (tokenAmount) +

def cashIn ():

    cashIn = tokenAmount * .05

    print( "The amount of money you will receive is $"+ (cashIn))

tokenAmount works but the buy and cashIn are not being ran why? When I put
"print(buy, cashIn)" it gives me a long message that ends in an error any
and all help is greatly appreciated. Sent from Mail
<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
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