[Tutor] Displaying Status on the Command Line

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Wed Nov 7 18:44:02 EST 2018

On 08Nov2018 10:00, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> Note that I need this to be platform agnostic.
>That's hard, even on a single platform like Linux.

Most, nearly all, terminal honour carriage return and backspace. That is 
technically enough. Even terminals with a destructive backspace (rare - 
it is normally just a cursor motion) can get by (backspace, overwrite 
the new text).

>Most xterminal windows use either the xterm or vt1000 set of commands,
>which are broadly similar, but that's not guaranteed. If somebody
>happens to be running a different terminal type, they'll see something
>And I have no idea what happens on Windows.

I'd sort of expect Windows terminals, even cmd.exe, to accept the ANSI 
sequences, which is what vt100 and xterms use. But that is expectation, 
not knowledge.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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