[Tutor] Is there a better way

Dave Hill dave at the-hills.org.uk
Wed Nov 7 12:22:44 EST 2018

I have an sqlite database as a source {Asset and Test data from a Megger 
PAT Tester}, which contains a number of tables, and I end up with an 
OpenOffice spreadsheet, with numerous sheets

The data is proceesed in three parts, each using a separate Class.

I extract the useful tables, and store them as '.csv' versions. {Class#1}

I then need to correlate data from various tables, and sort into 
locations, again storing them as '.csv' versions. {Class#2}

Finally, I write all of the locations as separate sheets in an 
OpenOffice spreadsheet. {Class#3}

At this final stage I am converting table index numbers to the relevant 

For example, from the '.csv' file the : TestGroupIndex [1] => Test Group 

'.csv' file for a location

AssetIndex 	AssetId 	Description 	TestGroupIndex 	RetestFrequency
106 	43 	Router 	1 	24
164 	25 	500 Drill 	8 	24
167 	26 	110v Ext Lead 	11 	24
173 	37 	Router DW625E 	1 	24
180 	47 	Vacuum 	1 	24
181 	48 	110v Ext 	11 	24

sheet from '.ods' file

Asset 	Asset 	
	Test 	Test 	Next
Index 	Id 	Description 	Group 	Freq 	Test
106 	43 	Router 	['SC2'] 	24 	24/11/19
164 	25 	500 Drill 	['TO2'] 	24 	17/12/19
167 	26 	110v Ext Lead 	['EL3'] 	24 	24/11/19
173 	37 	Router DW625E 	['SC2'] 	24 	12/10/20
180 	47 	Vacuum 	['SC2'] 	24 	27/12/19
181 	48 	110v Ext 	['EL3'] 	24 	17/12/19

Test Group '.csv'

TestGroupIndex 	Class 	Description 	TestGroupId 	VoltageOutput
1 	2 	Class 2 Double insulated 	SC2 	230
2 	1 	Standard class 1 earthed 	SC1 	230

The test group table has 30 entries but the index range is 1:31, i.e. 
one test group has been deleted at some point in the past, and the 
numbering is out of my control.

To access the test group I read the testgroup.csv file to a numpy array, 
inside {Class#3}, with two blanks, one for [0], and the other deleted group.

class OdsProcesses:

     def __init__(self, path, filename, noGroups):



         self.group = np.zeros(((self.noGroups + 1), 1), dtype = 
np.dtype('U10'))  # 10-character string

     def extract_TestGroup(self):

             # Open Test Group file for reading
         groupFilename = self.path
         groupFilename += self.filename
         groupFilename += self.TG_suffix
         testGroup = csv.DictReader(open(groupFilename, 'r'))

       # Loop through all Data
         for row in testGroup:
             index = int(row["TestGroupIndex"])
             self.group[index] = row["TestGroupId"]

     def get_TestGroup(self, index):

         groupStr = self.group[index]

     def writeODSData(self, sheet, roomNum):



             groupID = self.get_TestGroup(group)

This works but feels 'clumpy', and I have a feeling that there is a 
better way, but I have run out of ideas.

I am running Python 3.7.0, on a Windows 10 PC

Thank you for any assistance


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