[Tutor] Regex for Filesystem path

Sarfraaz Ahmed sarfraaz at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 13:13:23 EST 2018


There are specific operating system, path related modules in Python for
handling these scenarios.

You could try looking at os.path module.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 11:16 PM Asad <asad.hasan2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all ,
>         Can you provide some advice and code for the following problem :
> I have a logfile to check for errors :
> /a/b/c/d/test/test_2814__2018_10_05_12_12_45/logA.log
> f3 = open ( r"/a/b/c/d/test/test_2814__2018_10_05_12_12_45/logA.log", 'r' )
> st1 = f3.readlines ()
> from the above log I extract the directory location to determine the
> location of  another log  using the following regular expresssion:

Specifically, try exploring "dirname" function of os.path module. That
might come in handy for your situation.

               -- Sarfraaz Ahmed

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