[Tutor] Problem importing pandas library

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sun May 27 03:18:07 EDT 2018

On 27/05/18 04:43, Bhavna Soni wrote:
> I installed pandas library using pip9. I get errors while importing
> it, Uninstalling and Re-installing won't help. It says DLL load failed
> as window file is not found. The next time I import it says pandas
> don't have core attribute, ut core folder is present in the directory.
> I am using Python 3.6 and Windows 10. How to remove this error?

It may be a hammer to a nut solution but it may be simpler to just
install an all-in-one distibution like Anaconda. It may be a step
behind leading edge but most folks don;t need leading edge and
it avoids all the hassles of sorting out dependencies etc.


Especially since your sig suggests you might want to use more
than just pandas from the SciPy/Scikit package collection.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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