[Tutor] Problems with Looping

David Brown david.brown.rrt at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 09:45:19 EDT 2018

Hello all,

I am trying to teach myself Python by working through a book on Safari
Books. One of the examples in the chapter on Loops states:

*"Write a program that simulates a fortune cookie. The program should
display one of five unique fortunes, at random, each time it’s run."*

The program below does that just fine. However, I wanted to take it to the
next level and allow the user to select another fortune if desired. I've
tried a variety of "While" loops, but they end up with infinite loops, or
not generating a fortune. I've tried to add continue, after each "if, elif"
statement, but I usually get an error stating that it's not in the correct
place in the loop.

Can any one give me a hint? I'd like to figure it out on my own, but am

This is NOT for a graded assignment. It is purely for self study.

# Fortune Cookie
# Displays Random Fortune

import random

# Generate one of five fortunes randomly

print("\t\tCyber Fortune Cookie")
input(" \n\tHit ENTER to see your fortune")

# Set the initial values
prefix = "Your fortune is: "
number = random.randrange(5) + 1

if number == 1:
    print("\n", prefix,"When much wine goes in very bad things come out.")

elif number == 2:
    print("\n", prefix,"You will be hungry in one hour.")

elif number == 3:
    print("\n", prefix,"Order another egg roll and you will be happy.")

elif number == 4:
    print("\n", prefix,"You will love the spicy shrimp and garlic.")

elif number == 5:
    print("\n", prefix,"You will meet an old friend soon.")

#input("\n\nPress the enter key to get another fortune.")

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