[Tutor] In matplotlib, why are there axes classes vs. axes API? Why not list them under one documentation?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 16 19:13:25 EDT 2018

On 16/06/18 05:49, Mike C wrote:
> I can only compare to the R language I've used. If there is an issue, 
> say a function freezes at startup, one user brings it up to the list,> when the respective maintainer sees the bug, it is usually addressed

Which is fine if there is a team working onthe project full time
 - as there would be on a commercial project - perhaps by sponsorship.
But many(most?) open source projects are not sponsored., they are
a small (often just one or two) individuals working in their spare

> In terms of funding. Isn't Python heavily used in industry,

Yes and several companies sponsor development of the core
python language. As such major issues tend to be addressed rapidly.
But... matplotlib is not part of that core language.

It is a part of ScyPy which is not used by such large
numbers of industrial companies (and is more directly
of interest to researchers and academics rather than
commercial developers - a group best known for lack of
funds!) and as such is less likely to be responsive,
especially when the issues are not bugs or functionality
affecting - they are just usability irritations.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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