[Tutor] Why does os.path.realpath('test_main.py') give different results for unittest than for testing statement in interpreter?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 01:49:59 EST 2018

Win7, Python 3.6.2

If I run a unit test with the following embedded:

print('realpath =', os.path.realpath('test_main.py'))

I get the following in my test output (Only relevant line is shown):

Ensure expected list of string integers is returned. ... realpath =

In actuality "test_main.py" is located at

If I open the interpreter from the directory
"c:\Projects\solitaire_scorekeeper\tests\" I get what I expect:

py3: import os.path
py3: os.path.realpath('test_main.py')

Would someone enlighten me as to why the different results?



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